My currently active works with football data are hosted here. Click on any of the links to be redirected to an interactive google colab notebook or a streamlit app to explore. Enjoy !!
Explore aggregrated data for top 5 European leagues, provided by Statsbomb/fbref to create scatter charts, swarm plots and player radars here - Statsbomb/Fbref Data Explorer. This is useful when you want to have a quick overview of a player’s strengths and weaknesses.
Explore aggregrated data for midfielders/wingers/forwards in the top 5 leagues in 2019/20, provided by Statsbomb/fbref to create radar charts, bar charts or violin plots here - Radar/barchart/violinplot app for midfielders/wingers/forwards in the top 5 leagues in 2019/20. This is useful when you want to have a quick overview of a player’s strengths and weaknesses. This has been built with Streamlit.
Explore the throw-in styles and success rates of teams from top 5 European leagues here - An interactive case study of throw-ins
Explore dribble styles of Barcelona players here - An interactive study of dribble styles. Built using Statsbomb Open Data. Will teach you the basics of clustering trajectories - an unsupervised machine-learning teachnique.
Explore quick passing combination styles of Barcelona players here - An interactive study of quick passing combinations. Built using Statsbomb Open Data. Will teach you the basics of clustering trajectories - an unsupervised machine-learning teachnique.
Explore shooting profiles of top 5 European teams here - An interactive study of team shot profiles.Built using Understat data. This introduces “ Inverse Pass Sonars” - a new visualization idea I had the pleasure of developing along with Jon Ollington.
Explore passing profiles of top 5 European teams here - Team Pass Sonars. This looks at “Pass sonars” of all players in a team. You can choose any 11, arrange them in any formation you like, and plot out the pass sonars, all interactively.
Explore automated match reports for any top 5 European league or Champions League games here - Match Report. You can explore a variety of ideas here - passmaps, player heatmaps, pass types and many more. Once again, it’s all interactive.
Possession Chains - To survive or not to survive, that is the question.
3d -> 2d perspective transforms in football viz
Where have the triangles gone ?
My first blog post, and creating violin bloomplots as player radars.
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